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Top 100 U.S. furniture retailers: e-commerce merchandising

Features adoption and index ranking

In this report, you’ll find:
  • Analysis of the must-have e-commerce merchandising features and assessment of product visuals quality
  • Top 100 U.S. furniture retailers ranking
  • UX benchmark studies of the top three furniture players

us retailers report 2020

While it’s clear that online is the new competitive environment for retailers, only those retailers that manage to create engaging online shopping experiences are the ones that will thrive.

In this report, we break down the e-commerce merchandising features that retailers need to adopt to stay ahead in the months and years to come.

If you’re banking on e-commerce in the long run, it’s time to focus on activities and technologies that will not only help you ride out the COVID-19 storm, but also set the foundation for future growth.

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